Testo Canzone Never touch that switch

Never touch that switch
Robbie Williams
Testo canzone

Size of which is paradoxic the only way you're gonna stop this
In the vessel there's a switch in the middle
You really shouldn't fiddle cause its toxic
Listen up 'cos it's a red light
And the pressure's blowing up tight
There's a skism in the time mechanism
There's a skism in the time mekanism
Never touch that switch
Even if you want to
You don't know what it can do.
Never touch that switch, even if you want to.
You don't know what it can do.

See the futures in the distance
I know I'm facing some resistance
Getting back within the blink of a bubble
Time machine never gives us any trouble.
There's a riot down in Shelton
Only minutes after Brixton but this city never made it on the telly
Or the rumble of the nations underbelly

Never touch that switch, even if you want to.
You don't know what it can do.
Never touch that switch, even if you want to.
You don't know what it can do.

You know you're heading for a meltdown, and you're living in a tin town
Thinking that you're gonna be somebody, living in the land of milk and honey
Listen up 'cos it's a red light, and the futures blowing up tight
There's a skism in the time mechanism, there's a skism in the time mekanism

Never touch that switch, even if you want to. You don't know what it can do.
Never touch that switch, even if you want to. You don't know what it can do.
Never touch that switch, even if you want to. You don't know what it can do.
Never touch that switch, even if you want to. You don't know what it can do.

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