Testo Canzone King Of Bloke And Bird

King Of Bloke And Bird
Robbie Williams
Intensive Care
Testo canzone

What you do speaks so loud
I cannot hear what you say
Except for the occassional word
Sulphates a sentimental sight it bothers me
No longer king of bloke and bird

All of my life
Searching hard
Down in the wires
Of love

Summer me now summer my life away
Summon me on to another day

A hand through the clouds keeps
knocking me down
It's no less than I deserve
They built museums I don't visit them
I've made enough trouble of my own

Into the night
Searching hard
Look for the light
Of love

Summer me now summer my life away
Summon me on to another day

Summer the evening, winter ways
are falling down again
I sing from the chaos in my heart, my heart

Then comes the evening that
makes life worth living
Shoving the shoes out in the light
She walks in, I can hear her

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