Testo Canzone Goodnight

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I can't give you more than this
So this is my goodnight
It's dedicated to you

I would tell you the same old things you know
Just you know
You deserve every breath I hardly hold
Hardly hold

And fall asleep you need to lie down
This night could be the last

I can't give you more than this
So this is my goodnight
It's dedicated to you
My little shining star

I would tell you the things I've never said
It's too late
If I could turn back the time I wouldn't wait
Wouldn't wait

I'm sitting here I stay beside you
Beside your photograph
I can't believe it's true I won't forget you
These things take so much time

I can't give you more than this
So this is my goodnight
It's dedicated to you
My little shining star

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