Testo Canzone Heartbeat

Paris Hilton
Testo canzone

I was lonely only I didn't know it
I was so sad only I didn't show it
You came like the sun breaking through the clouds
And I found your what I can't live without

You will feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
I'm complete
And you will help me up again from my heartbeat
That's what I need
No I didn't know what I was missin'
Oh my baby since we've been kissin'
I can feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
Its so sweet lying here with you

You'll look at me and I see my reflection
You'll understand who I am needs protection
The way you latch to me
The way you love me
And I will love you onto myself

You will feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
I'm complete
And you will help me up again from my heartbeat
That's what I need
No I didn't know what I was missin'
Oh my baby since we've been kissin'
I can feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
Its so sweet lying here with you

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