Testo Canzone Just Look At Us Now

Just Look At Us Now
James Kakande
Testo canzone

(Ft Mousse T.)

Just look at us now
With our head in our hands
No where to run it seems we've
Run out of plans
Mirror is full of emptiness
But I'm still standing
Right here trying to understand
The reasons for you and me.

Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.
Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.

Now If I said I wasn't
Job would you still try and test me and if I said
I could cry would you still
Try to make me break me
Mistake me

For we have come so far
Like a mile fall of letters and songs
It seems my friend but anyway

Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.
Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.

Just look at us now
With our head in our hands
No where to run it seems we've
Run out of plans
Mirror is full of emptyness
But I'm still standing
Right here trying to understand
The reasons for you and me.

Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.
Now some people wish
And some people pray
But I'll just sit and wish away.

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