Testo Canzone Laughter

High School Musical 3
High School Musical 3
Testo canzone

I never asked you
If you thought there was more
If it gets better beyond the black and the white
Our limited sight and perspective of colour

Now i'm hoping there's more
I'm hoping

I have a photograph
Of you in cat eyed glasses and a sunhat
Thin arms and face
That was the summer now it's the fall
Everything is changing and i wonder where you are

And are you happier now
Happier now?

Your smile lives in your girls
Your art is in this world
I think of our rain soaked waltz and i'm laughing
Your smile lives in your girls
Your art is in this world
Listen - beyond longing is laughter

Happier now beyond longing is laughter
Happier now beyond longing is laughter

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