Testo Canzone Shining From Heaven

Shining From Heaven
Bob Sinclar
Western Dream
Testo canzone

When I say, I say, I say you know
Can you feel this ray of hope
shining from heaven
For all the people

It's shining from heaven
It's shining from heaven
It's shining from heaven
It's shining froma heaven

For the people that you meet
Show them love
Give them peace
'cause it's shining from heaven
it's shining from heaven

Ain't got no time
Ain't got no time for saying
Ain't got no time for crying
It's shining frome heaven
It's shining from heaven...

On the faces of your children
I can see love and
it's shining from heaven
it's shining from heaven

I say, when I say
Don't let get you down
We've got so much love around
from heaven
It's shining from heaven
It's shining from heaven

Na na na na na na na na...

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