Testo Canzone Please Take Me Home

Please Take Me Home
Blink 182
Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
Testo canzone

Oh no,it happened again
she's cool,she's hot,she's my friend
I'd drive for hours it's so
you leave me nowhere to go

She's unstoppable,unpredictable
I'm so jaded,calculated wrong

Please take me home
too late,it's gone
I bet you're sad
this is the best time we ever had

Buy hope,hope that it lasts
give in,forget the past
be strong when things fall apart
honest,this breaks my heart

She's unstoppable,unpredictable
I'm so jaded,calculated wrong

Please take me home
too late,it's gone
I bet you're sad
this is the best time we ever had

Please take me home
too late,it's gone
I bet you're sad
this is the best time we ever had

Why did we have to go date?
It's so easy to complicate
be strong when things fall apart
(be strong when things fall apart)
honest,this breaks my heart
(it's so hard)
Lets go!

Please take me home
too late,it's gone
I bet you're sad
this is the best time we ever had

Please take me home
too late,it's gone
I bet you're sad
this is the best time we ever had

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